
Friday 13 December 2013


The big Question
How has having a netbook, connected to the internet, helped my learning this year?

Having netbook, has help me to my typing and its good because if I lost my book and all of my worked in my book but the netbook it good because is save my worked and not like a book if I losted and then all it lost because I was take my book home and then finish worked and netbook help me to every things in the world like my blue giant star it really good to use the netbook but my book is not good help me everythings in the world and not good to save my worked or take my photo but the netbook good for every things and it finish my worked and put blog but is easier lost my worked but the netbook it good to do anything and it help me to type fast to do my worked but the book it take a long time to write my worked and the netbook is more better to do my worked and I learn from my teacher how to hold my chromebook, how to used. When I came to Saint Patricks I didn’t know how to use a computer because I came from Samoa but now I can.

I know I have learnt when we do our chrome book
and we learnt on the chrome book when I came I did't
know how to do the chrome book but now I know because
my teacher was helping me how can I used that why I know how to
because Mrs Richardson is the super star and she the best teacher in the world.


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